Campus Information


Sundays At 1:30pm


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+44 7857 093738

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Take Your Next Steps.

Give Online.

Please send your donations, offerings, and tithes to the church account provided below.

Account Name: Church of God Mission International (Sheffield)
Account Number: 15952363
Sort Code: 309950
Lloyds Bank

Gift Aid

Make the most of your giving. Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate. If you are a UK taxpayer, register today for Gift Aid.

Gift Aid allows us to reclaim basic tax paid on donations made by UK taxpayers. This means that if you give £200.00 and make a Gift Aid Declaration, your overall contribution will now be worth £250.00 at no extra cost to you.

So if you want your giving to go further, Gift Aid it.